Thursday, December 18, 2008

Pregnancy - 35 Weeks

Well here we go.....5 weeks left! Coming into the home stretch. We had a dr. appt. last week and everything is looking good. I will start going to the Dr. on weekly visits starting Monday. Shelby & I have been busy preparing for the big day. Last week we met with a pediatrician and on Saturday we took an all day childbirth class. The class was fun and very informative. I think we are as ready as we can be!

I am still feeling good. Maybe a little more tired these days. Also, my feet and ankles are starting to swell at night and this morning my hands were a little swollen when I woke up.

I didn't get any good photos at our last ultrasound. He's just getting too big to get any good pics.(as you can see in the photos of me!!)

More updates to come as we get even closer to the big day!!


The Soberg Family said...

I am starting to think he will come a little early (not to early though)! I am still praying that Preston will arrive before Ryan but we will see. It is starting to look like a baby race, and I hope you win! Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers, they seem to be working, Ryan is staying put for now. I had a sono today and Ryan was practicing breathing, which is a positive thing. Take care of yourself and enjoy eveyday no matter how hard this the next 5 weeks may seem.

AZAnjanette said...

Awww baby Shelby Freddie Val is really getting big....Dang girl you're huge. I bet you're exhausted too. That last month is a killer. We can't wait for you guys to join us in line for Santa pictures this time next year. MUCH LOVE!

Anjanette and Fred