Sunday, June 21, 2009


Our latest news is that Preston is rolling all over the place! We can no longer put him in one spot and expect him to stay there! In the pics. below he started on the Cardinals blanket and made his way to the sliding glass door to hang out with lucky. Before I couldn't wait for him to be mobile but now I'm not so sure! No, it's great and fun....just a new phase in parenthood! We went to Toys R Us today and bought this ball that is educational and also rolls around and lights up. Preston loves it but can't quite keep up yet....he'll get there though.

Our other news is that Preston's babysitter told me a couple weeks ago that she can no longer watch Preston as she is going back to work. She is a teacher. I was devastated but understood. I've been looking for someone new. I met with a couple of people and think I've found someone good. She is the person who will watch our current babysitters kids....she watched them previously when she was working. I really hope it works out. It's so hard to find someone new that you can trust. I'm hopeful that it will work and Preston will be in great hands.

More updates to come as our little joy continues to grow!!

Preston & Lucky looking out the window!

Come to me toy!
"Uncle" Richard reading to Preston

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