Friday, August 7, 2009

Rocking Horses & Shopping Carts

Now that Preston is sitting up so well we can try fun new things. Like rocking horses and shopping carts! He also sits up and plays for long periods of time. I thought crawling was right around the corner but I'm not so sure now. He's seemed to take more of an interest in sitting up than crawling. If he is lying on the floor, he tries to pull himself into a sitting position. He can get about half way up but isn't quite strong enough to pull himself all the way. I'm not so worried about the's more time before I have to baby proof the house!

The new foods are going well. So far he's had bananas & squash. He hated the bananas at first but now he tolerates them. He loved squash from the first bite!

Shopping at Fry's
We got this rocking horse at a yard sale

Thanks Adam & Grandma Lynn for picking this one up!

As you can see in some of the photos, Preston is now "posing" for the camera - he's already figured it out!

1 comment:

Rachel Greenwall said...

Are you giving him bananas from the baby food jar or are you mashing up a real banana? The baby food bananas taste completly different than real bananas. Just an idea.